Knights of New York
Grimnoir Setting
Our Story Thus Far
the summer of 1934, a spree of bank robberies took place across the
South and Midwest. The robbers were Actives, and easily overpowered
their targets in small cities. They even took a bank in Kansas City
guarded by a famous Brute named Dollar Bill Washington. Now the
Grimnoir Society is concerned with their crimes, but not for the same
reason as the BI.
the gang of robbers counted three people, of whom at least two were
Active. The BI has identified
Christine Tane, 25, no known Power. Former waitress and French tutor.
O.K. Hennesey, early thirties, Brute. Questioned but not charged in illegal Active boxing. Birthplace unknown.
and Nick Voinovich,
43, Icebox, all of Sparta, TN. Voinovich is a veteran of the First
Volunteer Brigade (Active), Teddy Roosevelt's supersoldier army. He
learned to work with other Actives in the trenches; the BI makes him as
the gang's leader.
When they hit Texas, there were three Actives; they'd picked up
a Torch. Then in Oklahoma they had five, including a woman with twelve-foot eagle wings. This gang is adding Actives
every month, and taking on bigger and bigger banks. It looks bad,
especially at a time when FDR is thinking of requiring all Actives to
wear armbands identifying their Power in public.
too, there's the matter of the wings. There have always been stories of
a Shifter, someone who can actually change shape. But all the cases
we've explained have been really good Ringers who made witnesses think they had fangs, were ten feet tall, or whatever. This girl was caught on film; Ringers can't fool the camera.
not generally known, but several new Powers have been showing up in the
last four months. We don't know why or how, but for the first time we
know when -- last month, in Indiana, was the winged girl's first
appearance. We want to know how her Power emerged; maybe she doesn't
know anything useful, but then again, maybe she does. We can't protect
the world from magic we don't understand. So the Society plans to take
her alive, with as many of her friends as we can, and see what she says.